20 Lessons I Learned in My 20s

My birthday is approaching and this year it’s a big one. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t feeling sad and maybe even freaking out a little about leaving my twenties behind. I’ll totally admit that I’ve had a few Rachel Green moments about turning 30 already ( I fully intend to wear a crown and be surrounded by people who love me). Related image

I decided instead of focusing on things I don’t have as I step into a new decade, I’d focus on what I’ve learned thus far. I guess that’s what we do when we get old…reflect on what life has taught us.

  1. You have to make time to care for yourself. Especially if you spend the majority of your time caring for other people. It’s not selfish to step away and do something that refreshes you. It’s necessary for your sanity and your health.
  2. Don’t be in a relationship with anyone who treats you like less than the treasure that you are. You belong to Christ. Even if you don’t know him yet, you were created by his hand, made in his image and He has great plans for you! If a guy doesn’t see or respect that, he’s not worth your time or your heart honey.
  3. Work to make an impact wherever you are. No matter what you do to make a living, you can decide how you’ll influence the people around you. You may not be able to change the whole world, but you can change someone’s life.
  4. You can’t live in the future any more than you can live in the past. Be present darling. The time is now.
  5. Chips and salsa with friends are always a solid remedy for a bad day.
  6. Let your life be less about checking off the bucket list and more about living intentionally with purpose.
  7. Making and maintaining friendship as adults takes a lot more effort from both parties. Be thankful for the ones who are quality friends…the ones who never judge you, always love you, stand by you, pray with you,  encourage you and keep in touch even when life is busy and miles are many.
  8. Everything is for a purpose. It’s inevitable that there will be things in life we wish would have gone differently. But God has an intended purpose for every hilltop you have danced on as well as every pit of despair you wept in. His plan is always greater than what we can see in the midst of our every day moments.
  9. Comparison KILLS. Just be who God created you to be and stop trying to be like other people. Stop coveting their life, their calling. God has something special for you and he gifted you for things only you can do the way that you do so just be who he made you.
  10. Find your voice. Stand up for the things that matter!
  11. It’s never too late to learn something new. Find enjoyment in constantly learning and growing.
  12. Forgive everyone, including yourself.
  13. You’ll figure out who you are when you begin to understand Whose you are. Let that identity be rooted firmly in Christ.
  14. Be a good steward of what you have. Budget and save, but don’t be greedy.
  15. Own up to your mistakes and say I’m sorry (sooner than later).
  16. TRAVEL. It just makes life sweeter and richer.
  17. Let your words be edifying and uplifting rather than slanderous and harsh. There’s enough people tearing each other down in this world.
  18. Life before God alone, aim to please him and no other audience. Live for an audience of ONE.
  19. God is faithful. People are not. This will never change so expect nothing different.
  20. There’s no magic moment where life suddenly becomes complete and full. Don’t fall into the trap of believing that your life is on hold until your desires are fulfilled. Only Jesus fulfills and satisfies all the searching and empty places of our lives and hearts.

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